Monday, April 14, 2008

Your election, your future

The election is just 18 days away, and I know you've got something to say!
On election night, we'll go LIVE to bring you the latest from the Alberta Legislature.
Who will win? Who will lose? And, more importantly, why it matters to YOU?!

"Are you my boyfriend?"

Does this question sound familiar to you?

If you are lucky, the girl you've been "hanging out" with for all Single Adult Dating Services Info 913 one month won't heave a public Define The Relationship (DTR) stunt on you. As it is, the DTR done privately is already a scary enough process. But let's face it; - at some point the "we're just friends" line will be come stale. Your friends-with-benefits status will eventually stand on a cusp of change as your "friend" will also soon be demanding some other benefits, of the boyfriend-duty type (read: buying her flowers, picking her up from work because it's raining, going out for Friday night movie and holding hands Games For Christian Adult Valentine Parties Nas Lt public).

For the uninitiated, the DTR is the act of defining the position of a dating relationship between a guy and a girl. This discussion could range between anything from All Services Free Adult Dating Site Info 513 this relationship/friendship headed?" to "How many kids do you want to have?"

Girls - well most girls - would always like to know where the relationship is going. Questions like "Is he dating anyone else?" or "Should I call him my boyfriend?" are likely to be zooming around in her mind. Don't be fooled by her appearing cool and nonchalant about the casual dating that's going on between the two of you. Chances are, there's something brewing underneath the guise of "we're just friends." It's almost foreseeable in any dating experience. The sooner you realize this, the easier it'll be for you to handle the DTR. Here are a couple of pointers.

Honesty's The Best Policy

To avoid setting yourself up for a dating commitment level that you are not ready for, you have no other choice but to be honest. Although it may seem like a no-brainer, but most guys are so afraid of testing the wrath of a woman that they will sometimes do anything to avoid it. Sadly, this usually involves a lot of non-truths, half truths or hidden truths. At the end of the day, honesty works because it helps you to eliminate misunderstandings, manages expectations within the relationship, allow for open communication.

Stay Alert.

During any DTR conversation- it's of crucial importance to stay alert .There are no roadmaps when it comes to DTRs. No signs of its arrival. Sometimes, it appears when you least expect it-like when you're working on your leaking toilet pipes. As with driving a car or piloting an aircraft, the DTR needs to be handled with utter sobriety. Otherwise, you might just over-commit to a relationship that you're totally unaware of. Call for a time out. Tell her you want to be fair to the both of you and can only have this conversation when you're sober and have given it much thought. But be a man and reorganize that overdue DTR that you owe her.

Be Zen about it.

That's just a nice way of saying- don't freak out! Worrying about the DTR will not make it go away. So don't tear your hair out over it. But don't dismiss it like one of those "Am I fat"-rhetorical questions either. Just see the DTR as an avenue for you to explore beyond your relationship boundaries. It can be a wonderful discovery process for you and your "we're just friends"-friend. And you could learn a thing or two about how you really feel about this girl. Who knows, maybe you do want to pick your drapes with her after all?

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